weight tracker

Saturday, April 9, 2011

yay for staying on track

2nd day in a row blogging! haha i almost forgot again but it's ok. so i've been thinking and it's kind of weird to me how some days my ed takes over my brain completely and i feel so so crazy. like when it takes me an hour and a half to eat a granola bar because i literally eat it grain by grain, and that's all i eat for the day. but then other days (like today) i can go out to breakfast and eat two whole pieces of cinnamon toast (no butter or syrup though) and even though i take small bites it's almost like eating a normal meal and as long as i'm still at a significant restriction for the day (usually under 500) then i actually feel ok with myself.  i know i lose more weight on my psycho days, but i actually get to feel like a human being on the other days. oh well it's not like i get to choose so i guess it doesn't really matter.


  1. hey! im looking for a buddy to help me with my weight loss and i think that its cool th we have the same stats. follow and comment on my blog if youre interrested.


  2. Lol I get like that too :)
    I'm either 100 cals under my limit or 100 cals over it.
