weight tracker

Friday, March 23, 2012

rewarding myself?

Well I stuck to plan yesterday, even though it was a bit hard. I didn't eat anything until we went out, and then i avoided all of the bread, didn't touch the appetizer, and then ate my greek salad with no dressing. I'm thinking yesterday was more of a 200 day than the 300-400 day I was expecting. I'm pretty pleased with myself. I still felt absolutely stuffed when I left the restaurant though. I think my stomach's getting smaller. I get pretty full with just 3 bites now. So, as I promised myself, I went to wal-mart this morning. I got a scale of my own so I can weigh myself whenever I want now. I also got fresh grapes, pineapple, grapefruit, watermelon, baby carrots, diet dr. pepper, and 3 cans of soup under 100 calories. It felt really good to buy stuff that's healthy for me, and that I can eat sparingly without feeling too much guilt. I'll still count the calories of course, but at least it will be nutrients that my body needs. So when I got back from the shops I wrote my name on all of my food so the other girls won't eat it. I'm really OCD about that. If I plan to eat an apple for dinner and someone ate my apple and there's none left, I literally can't handle it and I burst into tears and just don't eat anything. Once I was done labeling I ate 3 bites of grapefruit (30 cals) and went back up to my room to work on homework. Good day so far :) Now if only I could look at myself in the mirror and smile...

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