weight tracker

Friday, October 22, 2010

what makes something a sin anyway?

So I know we use the word sin all the time now, but didn't it used to only be associated with religion?
maybe then what I'm doing isn't a sin.
I mean, I'm sinning for sure, we all do, but maybe what this blog is all about isn't typically sinful.
either way it needs to be confessed.

I don't eat like normal people do.
I don't think about food like normal people do.
Maybe I just don't think like normal people do.

I'm not anorexic. Or bulimic.
not anymore anyway.

I went through a period of each in high school (I'm a freshman in college now), but I've been "clean"? for about 2 years now. sorry, I don't know what term to use, i wasn't addicted to drugs or anything. but typically they use the term recovered, and honestly, you never recover from that mindset, or at least I never did.

so now I'm just...i don't know. obsessive I suppose. It's not a CR diet, they usually make you eat like 1,200 calories or more on those, and i just can't eat that much and still feel good about myself. not that I ever really feel good about myself, but you know, not hate myself at least.

ugh. don't want to get into that more for now. maybe later.
basically I'm using this to keep track of my calorie intake, my weight, and my many feelings and emotions, and possibly amusing or interesting stories.

keep in mind i'm an athlete (swimmer), so I'm pretty muscular, and I do want to maintain that muscle mass. oh and I'm 5'4" and 18 years old.
the first breakdown: Day 1 (of my record, it's not a diet)
weight: scale says 144 but i'm at my parents' house and either i gained a ton of weight in the few days i've been here, or the scale is alot different from the one i use back at school, we'll see when i return in a few days. i'm hoping the scale is wacked out.
calories eaten: 700
calories burned: 610 on the elliptical (5.7 miles)

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