weight tracker

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


actually weighed myself. not ten pounds, but 3 and a half. um what??? just proves doctors are wrong about this whole 3,500 calories to equal a pound bullshit. if that was true i would have gained less than a pound. holy crap. almost four pounds heavier. this is unreal. 
so my very real punishment is as follows:
absolute zero calorie intake until the following is completed:
1000 crunches
5 minutes of wall-sits
50 push ups
100 squats
12 miles elliptical/treadmill
i think i'm going to skip swim practice tonight to sweat it out in the gym. this way i'll work out for longer and i can keep track of it better. 
almost certain this will take at least 2 days though. which is good. i don't want to eat before that. i still might not eat after but this is just set as i absolutely can't break fast before this. 8 hours into the fast so far and i'm starting to feel a little better. not much though. i can't believe i let this happen.
How come my friend telling me i needed to gain weight made me think it would actually be ok???
why didn't it motivate me to lose even more??? 


  1. Wow those are some large exercise goals, good luck in reaching them! And I definitely know what you mean by saying that your friends words didn't motivate you, because i have the same problem. When I see Im losing weight I believe its just okay for me to just eat eat eat. But we should try harder to see it as motivation to keep going!

  2. haha thank you! they're hard goals on purpose because the longer it takes me to reach them, the longer i have to fast. i really need to get back to 130 like i was before i messed up. plus i figure the harsher my punishment, the less likely i'll be to binge in the future? idk i hope it works out that way.
    stay motivated better than I did! it's not worth the pain, trust me.
